Friday, November 25, 2011

What is the best way to take off acrylic nails?

When I say acrylic, I mean the french nail type that you get done at the salon. Does anyone know a good way to take them off that doesn't hurt as much as ripping them off painfully?What is the best way to take off acrylic nails?
acetone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What is the best way to take off acrylic nails?
Use pure acetone. Never force them off - ever! Also keep in mind that many salons will apply a UV top coat to give your nails a long lasing shine. If they applied this on your nails you will have to remove the layer of cured gel before soaking your nails. Real UV gels are impervious to solvents (acetone is a solvent). Just take a 150 or 180 grit nail file and file the entire surface of the nail being careful to not remove too much product. Gel files very easily and it should come off with minimal effort. Even if they don't have a UV topcoat, it will speed the process to remove the bulk of acrylic with a file prior to soaking your nails. Also - as one other answerer said, filing them will rough up the surface which will also help to shorten the removal time.
Hi there,

Don't use water like the others have advised. What you will need: old bowl filled with acetone (nail polish remover), and old emery board, and an old towel or paper towel. Roughen up your nails with the file, soak for 5 minutes in remover, wipe with towel. Repeat these steps until all the product is gone. Wash hands and apply cuticle oil (or vegetable oil!!) and hand cream!
There's those things you can buy at like the drug store... I'm not sure what they're called, but basically they're a small round container. Inside it's lined with bristles, and it'll filled with a pink powerful nail polish remover. You just put your finger in it and rub it against the bristles, and it comes off pretty easy.

Good luck! :)
Listen to me. . . buy the (professional strength) acetone nail polish remover from a beauty supply store, like Sally's. Soak your nails as the directions say. Good Luck!
Soak them in pure acitone nail polish remover. It will take awhile, but you can peel off layers as they soak.
Soak them in hot water to get the glue to loosen and then slowly peel them off in the water. It shouldnt hurt at all:]
soak your hands in HOT water,

then eventually theyll come off.

works for me.
  • spots
  • How do you get those little designs on your nails?

    My friend has an older sister who is in medical school. When she comes back, her sister paints my friend's nails. How do they get those pretty little designs (hearts, flowers, etc.) on to your nails? Where can you get whatever they use?How do you get those little designs on your nails?

    im sure you can buy nail design tools in Target or Wal*Mart...

    and if you simply cannot go out and buy those nail can make a flower using the things you have at home:

    Easy Flower (looks good with french tip)


    several unwanted dull pointed pencils

    desired nail polishes(different colors)

    a base coat polish

    Then follow these steps:

    1. apply your base coat (i would suggest clear or a light shade) let dry

    2. using a dull pencil's tip, dip it in the nail polish and dot the tip of the pencil onto your nail. (this will be the flowers middle.You now should have one dot on the nail) let it dry

    3. Now using a different dull pencil's tip, again dip it in a different nail polish (like red or whatever you want your flower's petals to be) using the dipped tip of the pencil, dot around the flowers middle. You should basically have 5 to 6 dots around the dot from step 2. hopefully it will look like a flower to you

    4. Now that you have the basic can customize it if you want. Usually I like to add sparkles to it using my Sally Hansen Sparkly Nail Polish. You can also add leaves or a vine..whatever you want. you can leave it plain if you want

    5. Now check all of your nails to see if they look nice. do touch-ups if neccessary.

    6. If your nails are now done, apply 1-2 coats of clear nail polish to seal and protect

    ALL DONE!!!

    hope this works for you!!! it just takes time and patience AND practice to make a pretty flower on your nails!!! Sorry but I only know how to make flowers..I would love to learn how to make hearts and zebra print...

    GOOD LUCK!!! =DHow do you get those little designs on your nails?
    You can get them done at a nail salon.

    Where is a good quality place to get acrylic nails done in perth?

    I have just moved to Perth and want to get my nails done for the first time in a few years. I have heard good and bad things about Fantasy Nails on Beaufort St and also good things about Unique nails in Subiaco but wanted to hear from anyone who has a place to recommend? I want them to be quite thin and don't mind paying a bit more for good quality! Thanks in advance!Where is a good quality place to get acrylic nails done in perth?
    Here is a link that may be of some help to you in finding a top notch salon in your area. This is a salon locator, and it is provided by a company called CND (Creative Nail Design). This company has been providing the nail industry with top quality profesional nail products since the late 1970's. It also provides high quality training for nail technicians. In fact, all of the techs/salons listed on the salon locator page have been company trained, and certified prior to their placement on this list.

    I looked up Australia in the locator. It lists the names, and the contact information of two CND distributors, and it advises people to contact one of them. They will be able to supply you with the names, and contact info for any good techs/salons in your area.

    By the way, I have no association with this company, nor do I profit in any way by providing the link, or from your use of it - if you choose to do so. I am providing it strictly for informational purposes. Thus, I am NOT a spammer.鈥?/a>

    I hope this helps!

    What is the proper way to trim down acrylic nails?

    I have had acrylic nails for several years and I routinely visit the nail salon every three weeks. The problem is that I am taking the CA Bar Exam next week and my nails are feeling a little to long to allow me to type as fast as possible during the exam. I have an appointment at the salon the day after the exam, but I need to trim them down a bit for the exam itself, and I wont have time to get into the salon.

    It really doesn't matter if they are pretty, but I would prefer it if they didn't crack or snag on things. Would normal clippers and a file work? Or, I was also noticing that my clippers for my dog's nails are similar to the clippers the salon uses, would those work just to trim them down a bit?

    Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)What is the proper way to trim down acrylic nails?
    I'm assuming you aren't going to grt them filled before the exam.Whatever you do don't use nailclippers. It will crack the acrylic.All you need to do is get a file and buffer and just file the acrylic down then make sure you buff the endsWhat is the proper way to trim down acrylic nails?
    Use a fingernail file, that's what I always use, regular clippers may crack them and I don't know if I'd use the dog clippers.
    Please do yourself a favor! I took the bar exam myself; you will be stressed out enough!! Take 30 minutes, walk into a nail salon , have them cut and filed!!! You don't know me, but you will thank me!
    Maybe you could just file them?
    Yes, use your dog's, that one is similar and the nails won't crack like using the normal clipper. Then, file them, after that buff them and shine. Wear a light color enamel.
    go to the nail salon
    DO NOT try to file them yourself. You can damage them or even damage your nail.

    go back to the nail salon and have them trim it down for you. That is the best and pretty much only way
    what i always do is just get a good file and cozy on the couch with your favorite show and file away, dont clip them with the wrong clippers bc it will crack the acrylic all the way down and you will be left with a horrible looking nail! but i think the dog clippers might work but just be SUPER CAUTIOUS! please, i hate it when ppl have raggidy looking nails. lol good luck
    use clippers to cut them down t natural length!

    How long do nails have to be to get acrylic?

    I bite mine, I don't wanna anymore. So, I would like to get acrylic. How long do nails have to be?How long do nails have to be to get acrylic?
    They can be as short as you make them. Thats why people get them to get longer nails. I always bite mine too and I get them sometimes. They sometimes cut them anyway if they are too longHow long do nails have to be to get acrylic?
    You can get them even if they are short and you bite them. often it is a good idea to get acrylic to help kick the habit. The process includes the technicians putting tips on your nails made of plastic. and then there is acrylic placed on top of the tip and your nail. This gives the illusion of longer can get them as long or as short as you want.

    i recommende pink and white because it won't chip as often as a regular manicure or nail polish will. And they are thick and last against bumps and chews
    it doesnt matter how long they arre at all.

    you can get them

    itll be finee
    it doesnt matter how long they are. they can be short. the nail person is going to clip your nails anyways.
    doesnt matter i bite mine too and i get mine done
    not long at all. they can put tips on first, then the acrylic
    above ur ski point on ur fingers

    Why are my nails tender after putting acrylic on them?

    Got my nails done yesterday, it's been a while. I noticed my fingertips are more tender. Why does this happen, and am I the only one?Why are my nails tender after putting acrylic on them?
    I agree with Ellie. I just want to add that there should never be any pain or tenderness felt either during or after the application of nail enhancements. The most common reason for this is that the tech filed down your natural nail using a drill. A drill should never be used on your natural nail. Only a gentle hand filing is needed to remove the shine off of the surface of your nail.

    The other reason, though less likely, is that you may have an allergic reaction to the products used in acrylic applications, such as the primer, or the monomer (the liquid).Why are my nails tender after putting acrylic on them?
    I actually went to beauty school, here is the best reason I can think of,

    If they used the drill they may have drilled your natural nail down too far and you could have lost a layer or two of your natural nail. When I do acrylic nails I do it all by hand and I never use a drill, drills are not needed when doing acrylic nails. A lot of people become drill happy and your nails really do not need to be drilled too much. I know that I have gone somewhere before to get my nails done and they drilled my natural nail down so far that my nails were throbbing and burning after they put the acrylic on, this should never happen. the only reason they are supposed to drill is to shape, clean, and groom your nail. If it hurts at anytime while drilling they are not doing it right. This could cause your fingers to be tender after having acrylic nails put on. My advice for you is to watch where you get your nails done because it sounds like they filed your nails down too far. I hope this helped you
    The tech may have overfiled your natural nails prepping them for the acrylics, or, more likely, overfiled the acrylics after they had been applied. This end up causing your nail beds to feel tender for a few days.
    acrylic proably took of the first layer of skin and nail
    The chemicals and all the things that happen when you get them put on!
    no it happens to me....i dont really know why, but i think its cause your nails cant really ';breath';
    Did your nail person use the drill to smooth out the acrylics? Are the nail a lot longer than the natural nail?

    the drill will make them tender and the length will also make them sore...You are used to your nail being shorter so the way you are now using your fingers the tips are pulling on your natural nail bed..Does that make sense it's hard to explain in a few sentences. It's a normal reaction..they will feel better in a few days
    Sounds like the manicurist was ';heavy handed'; ... no worries, you'll be fine.

    How can I drive in or remove nails that were not completely drive in by my nail gun from house siding?

    I am replacing siding on my house. About every tenth nail my nail gun doesn't drive in all the way (leaving about 1/2 to 3/4 showing). If I try and pull the nail out, the head pulls off. If I drive to drive it in furhter with a hammer, the nail bends. Help.How can I drive in or remove nails that were not completely drive in by my nail gun from house siding?
    Use a pair of channel locks to grip the nail shaft and pull it out with that. Also, I'm sure you are aware that the nails on siding are not supposed o hammered it fully tight. You need to allow a little slop to provide for the expansion and contraction of the siding.How can I drive in or remove nails that were not completely drive in by my nail gun from house siding?
    Try using nail punches. They come in different sizes go to your nearest hardware store there not that expensive. It's better to drive them in than taking them out then you'll have to use caulking for the holes.
    I find driving the nail ';home'; easiest with a 7/16ths bolt and a framing hammer. If you would like to remove the nail, hardware stores carry a nail pulling tool to fit your need. Ask the attendant. Vice gripes are a terrible idea.
    Your nailer needs to be looked at before you go farther. but your question is simple. get a scrap of siding and place it near the nail that needs to be removed and grasp it with a set of channel locks .make sure the scrap of siding is under your channel locks so as not to damage your siding when you pull out the misfired nail.
    Yep, that's the way with gun nails. It's the glue on the nails that causes it. The glue gets hot when the nail goes in and sets when cooled.

    More than difficult to drive in and or remove if allowed to sit. I would suggest using WD-40 on the nails while in the gun. Allows some leeway. When nailing guns were first interduced, we used to make a mixture of paint thinner and bees wax to lubricate the nails. Smile.

    There is a fencing pliers available in some areas which are designed to pull large fencing staples. These grip the nail shaft instead of the head. Have found then to work on nails I couldn't pull any other way. Check with a hardware store or a farm supply store.

    Good luck.

    Also, to prevent this from occuring, check your air pressure, your compressor may not hold enough pressure with ten nails. Try five or six nails and let it recover.

    Use a nail punch to drive the nails, Or a12d nail will work too.Try to adjust the pressure on the nail gun. If you do pull the nails, worm them out and make sure you have a thin piece of wood to put against your siding so you dont ruin the surface. I use a pair of pliers, or the exhumer a nail puller made by Dead On, it's just a great tool.
    fordmans right .but use vice grips to pull out .grip on the nail very low and roll the nail out
  • blemishes