Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ratty nails and the evil that is arm shredding?

Does anyone have any tips for cutting my ratlets' nails?

I have a brick below their water bottle to try and file them down and recently created a digging box for them, I just don't want to have to resort to getting out the clippers and pinning one of the squirmy little devils down.

They don't hinder their walking so it isn't urgent but I would like to save myself from having to explain these strange markings to fellow worker bees.Ratty nails and the evil that is arm shredding?
A heavy flat stone or brick in their cage right below their water bottle is a great way to file down nails without the trauma of clipping the nails yourself. If you'd like a quicker solution, I took these next two paragraphs from This is what I do with my own girls. Gotta have two people for mine or you'll have a rotten time!

Clip off only the sharp tip at the end of the nail. If you cut into the pink of the nail it will bleed and will be difficult to stop the blood flow. Some people use styptic powder to stop bleeding if the nail gets cut too close (rats are often hard to pin down for the nail clipping process). I prefer to use cornstarch and cinnamon. First, dip the hand or foot into the cinnamon and then the cornstarch, it usually stops minor bleeding.

I usually bribe my rats with a treat, and while they are busy eating I get a family member to gently restrain the rat. I pick up a hand or foot and press so that nails are extended a bit and the fingers are spread, and then cut off the sharp tip with human nail clippers. I have also taken emery boards to a few rat nails for rats who are too squirmy to clip. Be firm and quick. I always reward good behavior (like not shredding my arms and body by trying to get away from the nail clippers).Ratty nails and the evil that is arm shredding?
Mine get a ';spa day'; treatment, well as close to a spa as a laundry tub and couch arm get, so after I give them the horrible mean shock of a bath I set them on the arm of my couch and as quickly and carefully as possible clip their nails as they stand there, shiver, and glare at me for being such a mean mommy. I dont have to hold mine since they dont tend to move after baths but I use baby clippers and might if they dry off enough to feel like moving hold them in the air for 2 seconds clip a nail put them down and repeat until theyre all done.
I'm having the same problem. My arms and hands are like a war zone.

Mine do not sit still for clippings and I've even cut Star's quick twice because she squirms so much =(

I've tried wrapping them in a towel, but they only want to tunnel and find their way out.

I also find that some nails that are sharp are too short to cut without getting the quick.

I just put some pumice stone under their water bottle, but i have the feeling they are just maneuvering around it anyway. I'm thinking about lining one of their shelves with sand paper.

Sorry I don't have any helpful tips, but I'll be checking to see if someone does give a good answer and try it myself.

I feel for you and your arms!

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