Saturday, July 31, 2010

What is the best way to get your nails to grow?

I have short nails that continuosly break. They are soft so they bend easily. I have tried one type of that Nutra Nail stuff but it worked for a little while but then it stopped. My nails also grow uneven eventhough I file them so they can be even but it doesn't do much good. It is the same situation with my toenails except my toenails are stronger but they don't grow.What is the best way to get your nails to grow?
There is some nail polishes that help your nails grow. But just dont be too much around water and paint your nail with clear polish (clear because then you dont have to repaint them so often). I also heard if you rub garlic on your nails it helps but it would probably make your hands stink for a while.What is the best way to get your nails to grow?
keep them painted either color or clear.. doesn't matter and do not wash too many dishes.. basically don't be around water too much.. and keep on fileing them.. and drink milk.. that works for me
Definetly rubbing lotion a couple times a day on your fingertips, what ever you do don't bite them lol.
Filing is definitely the best way. It's like trimming split ends. Also soak your cuticles and then lift them away from the nail, trimming off old dead skin. This works also.
If you put your hands in moisture a lot (water, your mouth, etc), that makes them bend. So if you do that, stop.
unflavored geletin work. Mix some up and drink it. Your nails will harden up and grow in a matter of days.

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