not let you touch them? She is very sweet about it but will not allow it.How to trim nails from a dog that will absolutely?
My dog is horrible about having nails trimmed. The easiest way is to just take him to the groomers, but they charge way too much to just do his nails. If you really have to do it yourself, and your dog is small, like mine, you can do it the way I do. I put a gentle leader harness on him, so he can't nip at me while I have his paws. Then I wrap him in a towel, leaving only one paw out at a time, and hold him on my lap while I snip his toenails with a safety snipper. It's tricky, you have to hold on tight. My dog really wiggles, and really complains. He will even try to nip me. Sometimes I have to have my husband help me. It is tricky, because if he wiggles and the snipper slips at an angle it can cut too deep, and then it bleeds. So I try to keep lemon juice and cotton balls handy in case there is a problem. Good luck! You've got to keep the nails snipped, it can be a real health problem if they ingrow. We've tried everything and this is the best we can do. My dog is this way because his previous owner hurt him while clipping his mails but clipping them down too far. I keep that in mind when I clip his claws. Even though he wiggles and is bad, I try to not raise my voice or be mean, even though I have to be firm and not let him move.How to trim nails from a dog that will absolutely?
put a big sock on the dogs head so he/she wont attack u. or a pillow case will work or just put tape around the dogs mouth what ever works
You may just want to take her into the vet for regular trimmings. It normally doesn't cost very much, and they know how to hand hard to trim dogs. I know we did it very often at the clinic I worked at, and no matter how the dog acted, we always got it done.
Oh, and GitEmGang, it's very difficult to handle a dog that doesn't want something done. They do have teeth, and even it muzzled, they still have claws. And believe me they are bad enough. I still have a scar on my upper arm from one particularly hard to handle dogs nails.
Make an appointment with the vet..we have a lot of people that just can't do their dogs nails.. Sometimes we have to muzzle them and takes several people to hold them..That's usually alot of fun..but we get it don't cost that much..
Who's the dog? WHO'S the HUMAN???
Aren't *YOU* bigger,stronger,SMARTER???
Grow a spine %26amp; DO IT!! Muzzle the brat if you have to but DO IT!
Okay, you won't get anywhere by forcing the dog into having it done. You may accomplish the feat, but who wants to have to go through that every time you have to do the nails? Start by making it a GOOD thing. Get the dog while she is relaxed. Teach her to equate getting feet touched with a positive act. Dogs do what works. Touch a foot, give a treat or praise. Stop BEFORE the dog is uncomfortable. It will take some time, don't rush it. I can use a grinder on my dog's nails because I took the time to make it a positive experience. Once the dog is okay with touching her feet, bring out the nail clippers. Do as much or as little as the dog is comfortable with, don't rush it. Do a nail, give a treat. Don't let it escalate into a fight, because when you stop because the dog gives you a hard time, then she learns THAT'S what works, see what I mean? If sitting still earns you a treat, then THATS what works (for both of you!) You may have to work up to doing one whole foot, then two feet, etc... This isn't a quick fix, but it is a lifetime fix. Also, when doing the nails, don't attempt to tell the dog ';it's OK, baby'; while it is stressed, the dog will think it has a reason to be afraid. Be firm, but very patient. Anything worth doing is worth doing right, and the quickest path is not always the best.
You don't say how big this dog is....
Two people always works best and the correct size muzzle.
If it is a small dog, muzzle %26amp; wrap in towel. One person holds dog the other cuts.
If it is a big dog, muzzle and have the dog lay down on it's side. One person holds dog with towel covering the eyes, the other cuts.
first dont tey it alown. muzzel her (just in case), get someone to hold her down (if she is big maby 2 people) thin hold her leg still and trim the nails with a good dog claw trimmer.
or if you cant do this then get a vet or profesonal groomer or some one who has experance with trimming dificult dogs to do it.
well you can do it a few different ways. 1. get several people to restrain the pet, go quickly and get them all done at once. or 2. take several hours, maybe 2-3 days by doing 1 toe at a time, hopefully while feeding her something VERY yummy so she's a tad distracted and associates a good thing (eating yummy stuff) with something bad (toe trims). a little benadryl may take the fight out of her too...genreal rule of thumb is 1mg for every pound your dog weighs. SO a 75 pound lab can have 3 at once where a 25 pound cocker spaniel (or any dog smaller) can have just 1...maybe 2 depending on how nuts your dog really is! good luck
Well, I am a groomer and what you need to do is get a muzzle that fits him snug and put it on him, try to have someone hold him very close, n you would have to cut the nails while he is being held you most likely cant do it by your self because of him movin around so much!!
I would take her to the vet, they would be able to do it. Otherwise, take her for a lot of walks on cement, that wears down their nails quite a bit. Hope I helped.
GitEmGang, the dog might not be trying to bite. It possibly could just be wiggling around and if the dog will not hold still, the owner could end up hurting the dog through force.
Anyway, to answer the question, I would just take them to the vet to have it done. At my vet's office, they charge a low price and sometimes, if my dog is in for an examination anyway, they'll just throw a clipping in for free. While it is nice to be able to clip a dog's nails at home, sometimes no matter what you do, a dog will not allow it and there is no sense in causing the dog trauma by forcing it.
I'm sorry to say this, but, you will end up putting a muzzle on her if you want to trim her nails. I know someone located in Tucson that might be able to help you out, if you happen to live in Tucson. If you do, the place is called Rolling Hills Pet Clinic, and it's located at Golf Links and Kolb, in the Fry's Shopping Center. Once you get there, go inside and tell them what you need done, and tell them that you were referred to them by another patient of there's because of their great service.
Thanks and Good Luck!
Put on some jeans. Turn her over close to you on her side with her back to you. Put both your legs over her, one by her neck and shoulders and the other by her stomach and hip, so she cannot move or bite. With your weight on her, just sit there quietly for as long as it takes to wear her out or until she gives in. Then clip away like you mean business. If she struggles, just sit there some more and clip away when she calms down. When you are done, hold her there and pet her for awhile before letting her up, and then give her a treat.
You should go to a vet and have them deal with her about triming her nails. Don't put yourself in danger when doing the nails. Vets are experienced with dogs that will not tolerate this kind of act. If you insist and don't want to pay roughly $9.00, you should have two people with you. One person should hold a treat in front of her and keep her distract her. The second person should cut the nail with a dog nail trimmer and go a little above the quick. You don't want to cut the quick in the nail. THe dog's nail will bleed and hurt even more.
get someone to hold her mouth,are exercise her that way she would not have so much energy and will be easier to control, your the dominant one not the dogs
watch dog whisper.
OMG! And I thought my dog was the only one who was like that.
Well I have a pomeranian, who is the sweetest thing ever, and he wouldn't let us touch him. He had his nails in his hind legs grow into his skin because he wouldn't let us touch him.
We asked the vet to come to our house, because the dog wouldn't even get in the car. He was given total anesthesia, and the vet trimmed him nails. This went on for many years (our dog is 8yrs) , till last year when the vet did surgery so that the two big nails wouldn't grow anymore. We were sad, but that was the only thing we could do, because we didn't want to see our dog go through the distress when he is being given the anesthesia. ( he is scared of needles)
Anyway, ever since he's been fine, and we are not worried about his nails anymore.
So that's something that you can do. Good Luck!
take your dog to the vet to have it done, otherwise try what we do: my husband clips the nails while i hold the dog and feed her face the whole time. for some reason she is more interested in the food thats in my hand than she is in my husband cutting her nails. it works every time.
I understand I have a 9 pound dog that completely freaks out when it's time for her nails to be cut. I just take her to petsmart to get them cut or when she has to go to the vet, I get them to cut her nails there. It's better than getting all scratched up.
I'd take her to the vet and have them do it.. I certainly wouldn't sit on her or stress her over it.
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