You should definitely cut your nails after a shower (or at least after they have been soaking). Cutting dry nails can cause more breakage of the nail, esp. if they are already brittle. You should also use very sharp instruments as to alleviate breaking instead of cutting the nails.Random question I know but should I trim my nails before or after taking a shower?
yeah, do it when you get out of the shower. Thats what I do and my nails acutally look longer.
Do it after shower as it becomes softer and easier to trim with.
Your nails are softer after they have been soaked in water, so I would trim them after taking a shower.
After as the nails will be softened and more easily cut!
try doing it after the shower the nails will be softer and easier to do.
before because it makes it easier for the soap and water to clean under them
it's true and it also makes your nails cleaner.
after definately (:
yes that is true
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