Once a month as a general rule. If your dog walks alot,or is outside on concrete..that will naturally wear them down, so they won't need trimmed as often.
Also, if your dog is older, or lays around the house alot not getting worn down, they will need trimmed more often.
But, usually once a month is good.How often should I get my dog's nails cut?
Once you hear your dogs nails making noises on solid floor than thats the time you cut them. =)
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once a month is probably good enough
It's up to your dog's activity level. We are always taking my dog on long walks so his nails get worn down by the pavement so we don't have to cut them ever.
If you aren't sure I would go to your local pet store and have them take a look.
Only as often as they need to be. When they get too long, cut them. I hate trimming nails myself, and have the vet or groomer do it whenever possible. Lucky for me, my boy chews his short, so they never need to be clipped, although I'm not sure why he does this....
I recommend once a month if you're having it done at the vet or groomer (groomer is usually better, they're cheaper AND they do far more nails than vets do, so they have more experience)
If you're doing it yourself, I suggest every week or two.
A dogs claws should not quite reach the floor when the dog is standing at rest. So clip them whenever they get longer than that. Grinding/sanding bits (like for Dremmel Tools) are used by some people on dark claws, the problem is that this can make the nail hot enough to burn the dog or fur between the toes can get caught and yanked out, so you have to be VERY CAREFUL using that method.
Lets see if I get reported THIS time!
It is difficult to see what you are doing with black nails. My dogs have black nails too.
Try cutting just a tiny bit every 2 weeks. If you just take off a tiny amount, you won't cut the quick and make them bleed. Also walks on concrete help sand them down. There is a tool called a Dremmel. It has a sanding piece especially for dogs nails. You can see it on line at Foster and Smith.
How old is she? I know my dog's groomer, when their puppies, does it every 2 weeks for about a month and a half, and that lowers the quick pretty well. Only little bits at a time of course, and take her out on concrete to wear them down. Otherwise, they can use the grinder on them.
every month...
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